Fan Decks Showcase Large Collections

Harris Sample Book is dedicated to helping our customers represent their brand in ways that connect with clients and emphasize the quality of their fabrics.  An excellent way to showcase a large collection is with fan decks, sometimes referred to as fabric stack decks.  This type of sampling tool is unique in that individual pages can be “fanned” out for optimal viewing.  It’s an effective tool that will generate positive responses from clients.  The following are some of the advantages of choosing fan decks for your showroom.


Fan decks are versatile.  They can be customized in a number of ways to meet the needs of our customers.  One item can be featured per page, or many samples can be mounted on the same page.  The size of the pages can be customized from thin strips bound together to larger booklet-size pages.  Each page or strip can feature individual swatches from related color families, or pages can highlight particular textures or patterns.  The edges of each sample can be straight cut or pinked, depending on our customers’ preferences.  The fan deck presentation allows your clients to view and compare an entire product line at one time.


Fan deck collections are tightly bound together on one side or end and secured using rivets or grommets.  The samples can swivel to allow them to be viewed one page at a time or compared side by side with other samples in the set.  Individual pages in the deck are quite sturdy and hold up well in the showroom when handled by clients.  The sturdiness of the decks also makes them ideal for traveling when used as part of a sales kit.


Fan decks are compact yet provide multiple viewing options.  They are easy to store in the showroom and easy to transport to sales meetings where many options can be presented at one time.  Outside covers can be customized with company name or logo and photography.  Pages within the set may include an optional header or printed information that provides more detail to the client.

Trust Harris Sample Book

Harris Sample Book has produced top quality textile and wallpaper samples since 1968.  We are happy to work with customers to create personalized sampling tools that accurately represent their brand.  You can trust Harris Sample Book to have your products ready when promised, and we personally guarantee the quality of our work.  Contact us today for more information and pricing.