Are You a Custom Wallpaper Designer Looking to Showcase Your Samples?

Are you a custom wallpaper designer looking to showcase your samples? If so, you may be wondering how best to present your work in order to attract potential customers. It can often be difficult for people to make an informed decision on wallpaper based solely on an image – which is why providing samples can be such a helpful marketing tool. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of showcasing your wallpaper samples and the best ways to do it. 

The Benefits of Showcasing Your Wallpaper Samples 

As a custom wallpaper designer, being able to provide samples of your work is essential for gaining customers’ trust and growing your business. Providing potential customers with actual physical samples allows them to gauge the quality and feel of the material before making a purchase, helping them make an informed choice about their wallpaper selection. Moreover, free samples also represent a great way for you as a designer to demonstrate what you have to offer in terms of product range and style – allowing you to stand out from the competition. 

In addition, there are other benefits associated with providing free samples that go beyond simply gaining more customers. For instance, free samples can help increase customer loyalty by showing people that you value their opinions and that you’re willing to go above and beyond when it comes to meeting their needs. What’s more, if someone loves the sample they receive they may even end up ordering more wallpaper than initially planned – meaning more money in your pocket! 

Best Ways To Showcase Your Wallpaper Samples 

Memo Samples

Wallpaper designers who provide single memo samples of wallpaper with printed marketing and branding information can expect to see an increase in business. Customers are able to easily view the design, pattern, and color of the wallpaper and can take the time to read about the company and their services. This allows customers to make an informed decision about which wallpaper they would like to purchase for their home or business. Additionally, it builds brand awareness for the wallpaper designer and encourages customers to return in the future for additional wallpaper needs.

Swatchbook Covers

Designers presenting wallpaper samples together in a professional manner will  greatly benefit their business. One way to do this is through the use of customizable swatchbook covers. This is a great option for designers that aren't looking for custom printing but want a professional look and that may be on a budget. 

Swatchbook covers offered by Harris Sample Book include 6 or 8 inch samples and are available in black and khaki colors. Showcasing samples within a sleek swatchbook cover creates a professional look. Click here to learn more about these options and to order a sample book for your business today!